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Ferocious Flowers

Nothin' dainty about these flowers. Nope, these guys are pistol-firing, fire-cracking blossoms from photographer/filmmaker Andrew Zuckerman. Click on this image and stand back ...

Bang and they're dead.

It's a short, violent life these flowers have.

Here's another, this one flushing, throbbing, blushing red until it loses rhythm, loses color and then collapses, like a paper sack.

Andrew Zuckerman is known for his creatures-on-white projects. He's done birds-on-white, musicians-on-white; this one, his newest, flowers-on-white, reminds me of a poem by Alan Shapiro, who also likes his flowers ferocious.

Shapiro's poem is about a sunflower, which he called "a crucible"...

"... from which flames
burst with such
sticky brightness
that they suck
sunlight down
into the in-
fluorescent burning
pit of itself.

Did I
say sunflower? Say,
instead, don't-ever-
mess-with-me. Say

That'sthe kind of flower you meet in these videos — tough, voluptuous, but very quickly, like all of us ... dead.

Here's a medley.

Thanks to Maria Popova and her blog Brain Pickings for leading me to these flower videos. Andrew Zuckerman's Flower Project is on display . He's also got a new book of flower photos. The poem I quoted from, by Alan Shapiro, is called, not surprisingly, "Sunflower." You can find it (in its original, much longer version) in his collection Tantalus in Love Poems.

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.

Robert Krulwich works on radio, podcasts, video, the blogosphere. He has been called "the most inventive network reporter in television" by TV Guide.
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