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Opportunity To Be Less Lonely As Latest NASA Rover To Land On Mars


NASA has three rovers on Mars right now: the twins Opportunity and Spirit, and the Sojourner. Of those three, only Opportunity is operational and is set to be joined by Curiosity on Sunday night.

In honor of the impeding arrival of the Curiosity the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center has been releasing photos on their official Flickr feed featuring some great shots from Mars. The above photo was taken by the MRO Mars High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment spacecraft in orbit. The arrow points to Opportunity perched on the crater's edge.

Opportunity also took this panoramic shot back in 2008.

Credit NASA
A view of Mars from the southwest side of Victoria Crater, seen by the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity.

Curiosity is expected to touchdown by 11:30 p.m. MDT and coverage from NASA to start at 9:30 p.m. NASA will be streaming the mission coverage of Curiosity's landing on Mars live via NASA TV. You can either stream the feed with commentary or without.

Or you can always follow the Curiosity lander on Twitter.

I’m not a Colorado native (did you know that "I'm from Missouri" means "I'm skeptical of the matter and not easily convinced?") but I have lived here for most of my life and couldn't imagine leaving. After graduating from Colorado State University, I did what everyone wants to do; I moved to the mountains and skied, hiked, and hid from responsibility! Our listeners in the mountains may know me from my time in Steamboat Springs and Vail or as the voice of the Battle Mountain Huskies Hockey team in Vail.
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