Since 2007, the photographic project Extreme Ice Survey has captured the retreat of glaciers across the world from Greenland to Alaska. The still and time-lapse images are a remarkably vivid reminder of how climate change impacts nature. The man behind EIS, James Balog, will speak tonight and tomorrow night at Colorado State University about his work.
Grace Hood sat down with the photographer to learn about the science behind his art.
A much smaller glacier than its Alaskan neighbor, Columbia, Mendenhall has been retreating steadily for a number of years. In the next few years it’s probably going to back up onto the bedrock and the pace of retreat will slow down. The protruding, rounded cat’s claw shape at the base is typical of a glacier that is retreating. Glaciers that are advancing tend to have a steeper, more cliff-like terminus.
James Balog partnered with the nonprofit For the Forest to record the impact of the Mountain Pine Beetle in Rocky Mountain National Park.