Mass shootings in public places have been increasing in frequency and severity over the past decade, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation compiled 160…
Mental health became a top priority for some Colorado lawmakers following the 2012 Aurora theater and Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.The state…
When Jeremy Richman and Jennifer Hensel lost their daughter in the Connecticut shooting, they couldn't understand why someone would do such a thing. In seeking an answer, they're funding research into the forces that increase a person's risk of aggression — and have also found a path to healing.
After multiple meetings about whether to renovate, rebuild or relocate, town leaders voted to tear down the elementary school in which 26 children and educators were killed in a mass shooting in December.
Following the Senate's rejection Wednesday of a range of gun control measures, including universal background checks, many in Newtown, Conn., are reacting with surprise and disappointment. Neil Heslin, whose son Jesse was one of those killed, says Wednesday was "a shameful day for Washington."
After the Sandy Hook shooting, Gov. Dannel Malloy signed into law some of the strictest gun controls in the country. He also urged the passage of new federal restrictions. Melissa Block talks with Malloy about his reaction to the Senate's failure to pass legislation this week.
In a rare departure from tradition, Saturday's presidential address was delivered not by President Obama but by Francine Wheeler, whose son Ben, 6, died in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. Wheeler urged the Senate to pass gun control legislation it has scheduled for debate.
Supporters rounded up more than enough votes to block a bid by some Republicans to filibuster the package. The legislation appears headed for a vote sometime next week.
Lawmakers in the state where a gunman killed 20 children and six educators at an elementary school last December have responded with legislation that bans assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines and requires background checks for purchasers.
The president said that the promises for action that were made after the Newtown school shooting can't be "just a bunch of platitudes." He urged Americans to press Congress to pass legislation that toughens background checks for gun buyers.